How Long Does a Car Alignment Take?
Regular maintenance is essential to ensuring your vehicle functions properly and keeps you and your passengers safe on the road. Car alignments are an important maintenance service to help you keep your car in tip-top condition, so it’s important to chat with a trained technician at Cochran Chevrolet to learn more about your vehicle’s tire rotation needs. Keep reading to learn how long car alignments take, whether they’re really necessary, and how often you should get them.
How Long Does a Car Alignment Take?
At Cochran Chevrolet, we know your time is important, which is why we pride ourselves on offering fast and thorough service, including car alignments. This service appointment typically lasts about an hour, and we aim to get you back on the road as soon as possible. However, it may take longer if our technicians need to replace certain components, such as the track rod, or if there’s extensive wear and tear on your car’s suspension system.
What Is a Car Alignment?
While you may be familiar with other standard maintenance services, like oil changes and brake inspections, you may wonder what a car alignment is and whether this service is important. The technician performing a car alignment will assess your vehicle’s tires and check that they’re aligned evenly. This allows them to distribute weight properly when you’re on the road. The purpose of this service is to ensure your car’s wheels and axles are square with each other, enabling them to all move in the same direction as one unit rather than pull against each other.
Although you may be able to perform some maintenance tasks on your own, it is essential that you bring your vehicle to a dealership for an alignment appointment. When performing an alignment, a technician usually adjusts the angles of the suspension since this affects tire position and movement. This helps ensure your steering wheel is centered and that your tires’ angles match the manufacturer’s requirements. Whether you have two-wheel drive or four-wheel drive dictates whether you need a four-wheel alignment, a front-angle alignment, or a thrust-angle alignment.
Is Car Alignment Really Necessary?
Like many other maintenance services, a car alignment is absolutely necessary since it contributes to your vehicle’s performance, handling, and safety. If your wheels are misaligned, you’ll notice extreme limitations in the control and handling of your car. This can not only lead to premature wear and tear but also create a dangerous situation for you, your passengers, and other drivers on the road. A misaligned car pulls in one direction, impairing your ability to turn or drive your car in a straight line.
A misaligned vehicle will also lead to uneven tire wear, which will require you to replace your tires more frequently. If you don’t keep an eye on the tread of your tires, you may encounter more expensive and dangerous situations down the line, including flat spots on the tread or even a tire blowout. You can avoid these issues by taking your vehicle in for routine maintenance and car alignments to ensure all car elements are functioning properly.
How Do You Know Your Car Needs an Alignment?
There are a few telltale signs that may indicate your car needs an alignment, and you should schedule a service appointment as soon as you can. While regular maintenance is important, here are some signs you may need to make an appointment sooner than you think:
A Slight Pulling While You Drive
If you notice some resistance and pulling when you’re behind the wheel, this may be a sign that it’s time to schedule a car alignment. If you’re unsure whether your steering wheel is pulling, take your car to a flat, empty parking lot and drive at a slow pace. Gently remove your hands from the steering wheel. If you notice your vehicle moving in either direction, your car is probably misaligned.
A Sharp Pulling on the Road
Instead of a slight pull, you may notice a sharp pull in one direction when you’re on the road. This can be a sign that your tires are underinflated, or it could indicate that your vehicle is misaligned. If you refill the air in your tires and still notice a sharp pull while driving, it’s time to schedule a service appointment.
Tires Wearing Unevenly
Misalignment causes your vehicle to put more pressure and weight on certain tires, leading to uneven wear. If you notice that your tires’ treads are different lengths, your car may need an alignment.
A Crooked Steering Wheel
Another indication of misalignment is a crooked steering wheel. Pay attention to the wheel when you’re on the road to be sure you’re not driving with the wheel off-center. This can be a symptom of misalignment and a signal that you need to schedule an appointment for an alignment.
A Vibrating Steering Wheel
When your tires are misaligned and pulling in opposite directions, it can cause your steering wheel to vibrate. If you notice this happening while driving, it’s important to schedule a service appointment and have a technician check it out.
Why Schedule Your Alignment at #1 Cochran Chevrolet?
At #1 Cochran Chevrolet, we know you have a busy schedule, and we’re committed to providing you with efficient and reliable service to get you back on the road safely as soon as possible. The next time you need to schedule a car alignment or other services, make sure to contact us to schedule an appointment.
Our team of Certified Service experts is ready to help you address your concerns, perform diagnostics, and provide your car with the necessary maintenance or repairs. You can also take advantage of our service specials, so you can make the most of your visit and take care of your vehicle while remaining within your budget. Schedule your appointment online to ask questions, go over your options, or meet with a skilled #1 Cochran technician. We’ll get back behind the wheel again in no time.
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